Discover. Learn. Fish.
Interested in getting more involved with Minnesota Steelheader?
We have a variety of projects, programs and events that typically happen each year. Are you interested in giving back to the fishery? We have a few opportunities where stream-side angler volunteering is the power behind the program. Looking for some mentoring or stream-side opportunities? Maybe a simple steelheading 101 seminar, or perhaps some technical knowledge or insight?
Many of our programs and events have opportunities for anglers like you! Click on each link below to discover more about what Minnesota Steelheader has to offer.

Fall Stream-side Clinic:
A wonderful event for all beginner to intermediate anglers interested in learning more about our North Shore fishery, the fish that swim our waters, and some techniques on how to catch them. This is all done annually on a beautiful North Shore River.
The Minnesota DNRs management plans and research projects would not have been possible without the support of Minnesota Steelheader.
– N. Peterson, Fisheries Specialist, Minnesota DNR

Seminars & Events:
Our seminars and events are a great way to connect with fellow North Shore anglers while helping to learn what it takes to become a successful steelhead, salmon, and North Shore trout angler. Our speakers are expert anglers, guides, biologists, educators and DNR specialists that do a great job of engaging and entertaining guests both new to the sport as well as the seasoned anglers. Visit our Seminar Page and Experience Page for more information.

We have partnered with the MN DNR on cooperative genetic research, habitat, and rehabilitation projects. These unique projects utilize trained volunteer anglers to aid in a variety of genetic sample collections. Visit our Research Page for more info.

Creel Project:
Each year, Minnesota Steelheader collects angler-submitted creel reports for clipped and un-clipped rainbows and coaster brook trout through our Creel Project. This catch information is compiled and presented in ways we hope provide you with the most accurate picture of Minnesota’s annual and long-term North Shore steelhead and coaster brook trout run behavior. Visit our Creel Project page to get involved.

Since 2011 we have been involved with the MN DNR Adopt-a-River program. With the help from volunteer anglers and community members, we have collected and removed hundreds of pounds of trash, signposts, tires, culvert parts, etc. from the Sucker River, its’ shoreline and surrounding areas. This has been a great way to connect with fellow anglers while cleaning one of our favorite Lower Shore rivers. Visit our Adopt-a-River page for information or to get involved.

Volunteer with us
Volunteering with us is easy. We typically have many opportunities available for you where you can donate your time and talents each year. River clean-up events, stream assessments, clinics, and creel project participation are just a few ways to volunteer. Visit our Contact Page page to reach out and for additional information on how to get involved.

Discover & Learn Something New
River flows are an important consideration with respect to steelhead movement, resting and holding locations.
To understand river flow charts and data, it is helpful to understand the terms that are used on charts. Click the chart for a comprehensive flow tutorial.